On the momentous occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas, Unison International School organised a series of captivating competitions for our extraordinary Unisonites. It was a day filled with patriotism, learning and creative expression as our students enthusiastically participated in diverse activities. The event started with the “Knowledge Polish Quiz” which tested the young minds of our Unisonites, challenging them with questions that expanded their understanding of the historic Kargil war. Than our aspiring writers participated in the “Slogan Writing Competition,” where they poured their hearts onto paper, crafting powerful messages that honoured the sacrifices of our heroes🖋️ Moreover, the vibrant colours of the Rangoli Competition adorned our campus, as we celebrated the spirit of Kargil Vijay Diwas through intricate and mesmerising designs. The event concluded with “Report Writing” competition as our young journalists-in-the-making delved into the historical significance of Kargil Vijay Diwas, skillfully articulating the tales of bravery and triumph exhibited by our armed forces 📚 Catch a glimpse of the day!