Student Safety


Children learn best when they feel safe. Therefore, a good school needs to put in place well-researched and foolproof safety measures. We at Unison aim to make the premises safe and healthy, ensuring the physical and mental well-being of every child.

Our open learning spaces (without dark corners) are accompanied by a range of safety measures, processes, and technologies. Our unique staff vetting, hiring, and verification process ensure personnel safety.

Clean Drinking Water (using RO) is provided to the kids/students. Students are encouraged to eat healthy food and have two breaks-

Fruit Break
Lunch Break

A proper menu is scheduled and sent to the students monthly.

Dental Checkup

“A healthy mind is the home of the healthy body” A team of expert dentists from the Unison Dental Clinic conducts Dental Checkup camps for the students. School children are examined for various dental problems and are duly instructed to maintain good oral hygiene.

Eye Checkup

We prioritise their overall health and well-being. As part of this commitment, we organise regular eye checkup camps conducted by a team of dedicated doctors. These camps provide an opportunity for students to have their vision tested and receive professional advice on eye care.

OFF SCHOOL SAFETY                                                                                   

  • CCTV coverage in school transport
  • GPS enabled real-time transport tracking (accessible to parents)
  • Designated staff to accompany children to final bus stop
  • Back-up vehicles (in case of breakdown)
  • Seatbelts in school transport


  • CCTV coverage
  • Police verifications and reference checks for all staff members
  • Controlled visitor access with escorted visits in learning areas
  • Trained nurse on campus and a doctor on call
  • Well-equipped trauma kits